Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spam Takes a Holiday

I usually go into the spam folder at Gmail in the morning to empty out what’s accumulated overnight, and before going to bed to trash the day’s accumulation. I figure it’s always good to make sure nothing you really wanted ended up there by mistake – communications from old friends, opportunities to join AARP, offers from Nigerian princes, stuff like that.

But this has been a day without spam. And I’m incredulous.

The good news is, when I click on my spam folder, I’m given a link at the top of the box for a recipe. “Spam Vegetable Strudel - Bake 20 minutes or until golden, serve with soy sauce.” (Yum!) “French Fry Spam Casserole.” (One can only wonder.)  “Spam Fajitas - Serves 8, add extra salsa if desired.” (Olé!) Spam Confetti Pasta, Ginger Spam Salad, Savory Spam the enticements never end?

It’s heartening to know that, even when spam takes a holiday, it’s never a day without spam.

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