People on the right repeatedly say they want to “take their country back.” Take it back from whom? From the socialists, immigrants, secular humanists, abortionists, and homosexuals who have subverted the values under which we lived for a couple hundred years. Okay, so they had to cave on the slavery bit. But they see it as their country to take back.
It’s like America is a clubhouse built out of scrap wood by ten-year-old boys with a crude sign saying “No Gurls Aloud.” A couple of new guys thought it might be okay to let some gurls in, but then they wanted to ruin everything by tidying the place up and making rules and forcing everybody to share their cookies. So the older boys want to go back to the way it was before. After all, it’s their clubhouse, they built it, they should get to say what the rules are. (And if they’re your cookies, you get to eat them.)
People on the left want the country to be for everybody – with justice for all. They don’t want to exclude their fellow citizens on the right. They don’t look at the country as “us and them,” just us. All they want is to build a better clubhouse.
How long are we gonna let these older boys boss us around?