Saturday, January 21, 2012

No apologies necessary...

It’s been said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. I’m not entirely sure what that means, but I am sure of something else: exceptionalism is the first refuge of an idiot.

Whenever I hear politicians – especially Republican presidential aspirants but not excluding the Big O – cheerleading for America, I have to wonder what fantasy world they’re living in. They hype freedom while ignoring their ongoing efforts to curb it (e.g. overturning Roe or keeping marijuana illegal or standing in the way of gay marriage or supporting 21st century versions of the Alien and Sedition Acts). They sing praises to the land of opportunity while tap-dancing around our outrageous and growing income disparity. They extol the American worker while undermining labor unions and turning a blind eye to big business’s tax loopholes that send jobs offshore. They call this the greatest country on earth even while we lag behind other industrialized nations in health care and education and workers’ benefits. And they cite our greatness as justification for doing whatever we please – to whomever we please – on the world stage.

This patriotic claptrap is exacerbated by the notion that our supposed greatness is attributable to God – that He has singled out this country for a special role in history and endowed us with super powers for the task. If so, it’s too bad we misuse them. Either that or we misunderstand Him. (Speak English, Dude!)

Those who challenge American exceptionalism usually find themselves in a have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife predicament, since to deny it is to be lumped with what conservatives love to call the “blame America first crowd.” Since we’re perfect, we can’t be faulted for anything, so criticizing America is clearly unpatriotic.

Exceptionalism – being so head-over-heels in love with your country you’re oblivious to all its faults and bad habits, not to mention the big zit on its nose that won’t go away – means never having to say you’re sorry. It’s all God’s plan. And the Big Guy never apologizes for anything.

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