Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Freshness Guaranteed!

”There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, 
and it has a longer shelf life.”
– Frank Zappa

Christine O’Donnell certainly proves the point. As does Sharron Angle. As does Jim DeMint. As does, and did, and continuously will, Sarah Palin. Moonbats may show poor sense on a lot of occasions, but why do wingnuts seem to be so uniformly, certifiably stupid? Maybe it’s all that fluoride in the water that their Bircher forebears tried to warn us about.

The recent survey showing atheists in America are more knowledgeable about religion conversely shows just how ignorant many religious Americans are. I was startled (but really wasn’t) to read about Gary Bauer addressing the recent Value Voters Summit (which also hosted O’Donnell) in which he derided Islam, pointing out that the “Creator” is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and that “That’s not Allah.” What does it take to educate someone that different cultures have different names for the same [alleged] deity? And, while we’re at it, that deities are no better or worse than how we define them?

But stupidity is not selective. Atheists and humanists recently gathered to decide how in-your-face to be toward religious America, with “accommodationists” and “confrontationalists” throwing brickbats at one another. As disunited as Democrats – I guess there’s something to be said for a lack of lock-step thinking. Digging in heels instead of making an effort to work together doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. That of course describes the last two years in Washington, which seems to have been ground-zero for a stupidity bomb.

Frank was right. It’s super-prevalent and it has a lo-o-o-o-o-ng shelf life. Rest assured that the stupidity we witness today will still be just as fresh when the 2012 elections roll around. And still just as hard to swallow.


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