Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hang Up and Drive!

I posted a couple of days ago about the conservative streak that runs thru my community. But there are limits. Someone recently wrote a letter to the editor describing nearly getting killed by someone talking on their cell phone while driving, but he rationalized the conclusion that no new laws were needed. Conservatives just hate any restrictions on their personal freedom, even if they make sense. Even if lives are at stake.

Well, I was gratified to see a goodly number of people calling for such regulation. Conservative politically or not, it would appear that many of my fellow Prescottonians are traditionalists first and foremost, and believe that people should not be allowed to get away with putting other folks in jeopardy just because they’re attached to these new-fangled gadgets. Even so, there are still a few lunkheads who insist that this is a slippery slope that will lead to bans on all sorts of activities behind the wheel.

The New York Times has been running an excellent series called “Driven to Distraction” about the dangers of using cell phones while driving. If you have any doubts concerning the scope of this problem, click thru.

The image, by the way, is from an Aussie public awareness campaign to discourage the practice. Says it all, I think. (But this one says a little more....)

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